Moving Experiences


Roger Titley’s CREATURES

South African Puppeteer Roger Titley’s CREATURES will be migrating to their second U.S. event at Journey in Motion! Earlier this year, Titley’s CREATURES made their first U.S. appearance at Cleveland’s BorderLight International Theatre and Fringe Festival, a festival that brings top-flight performers from abroad to present visionary international theatre and build cross-cultural understanding. Titley’s animal creations are an inspiring demonstration of the body’s wide scope of movement, as the creatures’ gestures and life-like expressions are driven by a human puppeteer. Down to each hinging joint and flexing muscle, this performance will excite and inspire guests throughout the evening.


Aerotique Columbus

Enjoy an exhilarating aerial performance by Aerotique Columbus aerial acrobats as they glide and flow through our event space using aerial silks, hoops and pure human motion. These aerial artists will display the wide range of movement of which the human body is capable, adding a unique spin to the kinetic energy of our evening.